Krebs cycle (also known as Citric Acid Cycle or Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle) is a step wise cyclic process which is used to oxidize the pyruvate formed during the glycolytic breakdown of glucose into Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Water (H2O). It also oxidizes acetyl CoA which arises from breakdown of carbohydrate, lipid, and protein. The actual Krebs cycle begins when acetyl –CoA enters into a reaction to form citric Acid. This cycle was discovered by British biochemist Sir Hans Krebs . For this he was awarded with Nobel Prize in 1953.....
Rubber is a natural polymer of Isoprene (2-Methyl -1, 3 – Butadiene). It is a linear, 1, 4 – addition polymer of Isoprene. Natural rubber has elastic properties and it undergoes long range reversible extension even if relatively small force is applied to it. Therefore, it is also known as Elastomer. Natural rubber is prepared from latex which is a Colloidal Solution of Rubber in Water.....
Blood coagulation or Hemostasis is the cessation of bleeding from a cut or several vessels. When blood is shed, it loses fluid nature in a few minutes and sets into a semisolid jelly. This phenomenon is called coagulation or clotting. On holding back, the clot retracts to a smaller volume and presses out a clear straw colored fluid called the Serum. Serum does not clot any further.....
A dielectric is a material which contains no free electrons, so that no current can flow through them. As a result, the electrical conductivity of a dielectric is poor and for an ideal dielectric it comes out to be zero. According to band theory of solids, a dielectric is a material in which the energy band gap between valence and conduction band is more 3 eV. Glass, plastic, mica etc. are examples of dielectrics. When a polar or non-polar molecule is placed in an external electric field....
VI is a standard UNIX editor which is fast and powerful. It has short commands and basic modes to work with.It do not have any menus. It is the default mode of a VI editor and it is used for text manipulation and cursor moving. These commands are case-sensitive and some of the commands do not appear on screen when written but appear on the last line....
A Flow Chart is a structurally ordered representation of how the different stages in a process are interconnected. Flow Charts diagrammatically ....
It is used for the measurement of the angle of rotation of optically active substance in solution. That is, angle through which the plane of the polarized light is rotated on passing through a specific length of solution of known concentration. The experimental arrangement is shown if figure, S is source of monochromatic light placed at the focus of convex lens L. The beam, rendered parallel by lens L, falls on called polarizer P. After passing through polarizer P the light....
Computer interprets machine language that is, binary form(series of 1’s and 0’s) which is called binary form. Each digit, character or any .....
The displacement of a particle is defined as the change in position of the particle in a particular direction and is given by a vector drawn from the particle's initial position to its final position. The length of the actual path between the initial and final positions of the particle is called the distance covered by it.Suppose that a particle is moving from point A to point B....
Carbohydrates are naturally occurring organic substances. They are present in both plants and animals.
Functions of Carbohydrates - All animals derive the major portion of their food calories from the different types of Carbohydrates in their diets ....
A Date Flow Diagram (DFD) is a diagrammatic representation of the information (data) flow within a system. Date Flow Diagrams are advantageous ....